Worship at Mt. Pisgah
At Mt. Pisgah Lutheran Church we joyfully gather to receive God's Word and Sacraments. The Lord abundantly pours out His grace upon us as we hear the Good News of redemption through Jesus Christ, the Son of God, our Lord. He unites us to Christ's death and resurrection in Holy Baptism and grants us forgiveness and refreshment for our weary souls through the eating and drinking of Christ's body and blood in the Holy Supper. He also sends His Holy Spirit to create and sustain faith within us, making us His temple, that we may receive His gracious gifts.
We, as God's redeemed people, then respond to His generosity with our worship, prayer, and singing of what God has done for us through our crucified and risen Lord, Jesus.
What Does Worship at Mt. Pisgah Look Like?
Mt. Pisgah Lutheran Church joins the historic church throughout the centuries in its use of the Divine Liturgy. We worship together with Christians from all times and places as we recount through our worship the story of our salvation. The traditional liturgy roots us firmly in the history of the Church, but the slight variations and changing of the settings keep our worship active and prevents empty repetition.
One thing you will notice about the Lutheran style of worship is our use of music. Woven throughout our service, it is a theologically rich part of our proclamation of Jesus Christ. While our freedom in Christ allows us to incorporate a wide variety of musical styles into our praise of God, Mt. Pisgah Lutheran Church is intentionally very traditional and reverential in the hymns and music that enrich our worship. The music of the Church expresses our gratitude for our triune Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier. It serves as prayers to the One who promises to hear and answer us. It deepens our faith by teaching and confessing Christ, and Him crucified. It unites us as God's holy people as Christ's saints in heaven and on earth join their voices together glorifying Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Our Sunday services are at 10:00 AM. We also observe the seasons of Advent and Lent with Wednesday Midweek Services at 1:00 PM and 7:00 PM.
What are Mt. Pisgah's Communion Practices?
Mt. Pisgah celebrates the Lord's Supper every Sunday at both services, as well as, on special Holy Days.
The Lord's Supper is the means by which Jesus Christ, the bread of life, gives us his flesh and blood to eat and drink. Through this Sacrament, Jesus forgives our sins, gives us victory over death and Satan, and delivers his eternal salvation to us. Since this is the true body and true blood of Jesus Christ in, with and under the bread and wine, we do not treat this sacrament lightly; rather, we receive it with great reverence and gratitude to our merciful Savior. Moreover, St. Paul writes: “Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty concerning the body and blood of the Lord. Let a person examine himself, then, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment on himself (1 Cor. 11:27-29).”
To ensure that all who participate in this sacrament receive this sacred gift as the blessing it is intended to be and not to their condemnation, this congregation, with Christian love and in accordance with Holy Scripture, practices closed communion with those who have been instructed and share our public profession of the Christian faith in all its articles. We therefore ask our guests who wish to commune to speak with the Pastor before the service.
Worshipers who do not yet share our confession or who are not yet instructed concerning the sacrament are still invited to come forward to the communion rail that they may receive a blessing and reminder of the forgiveness given to all by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.
Mt. Pisgah provides both the common cup and individual cups as we come together for Communion. The individual cups in the center of tray are alcohol free for those with medical requirements that prevent them from receiving alcohol. Wine, however, is the prefer means to receive the blood of Christ, if and when possible, since wine is what Jesus used to institute this sacrament. Likewise, we use unleavened bread, as our Lord did. Gluten-free hosts are also available for those with medical needs. Please alert the Pastor or an Elder of any needs.
What If I Have Young Children?
We love children! A portion of our service is dedicated to sharing the Word of God, specifically, with the children in attendance. Jesus said, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you (Matt. 28:19-20)." "All nations" includes children. Therefore the congregation welcomes children with the same love that Jesus shown to them when he said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 19:14).”
Although many parents are nervous about their children making noise or perhaps disrupting service, please do not let this prevent you from receiving God's gifts. The sounds of children are joyfully received, for they are the sounds of the assurance that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is being carried to future generations. For your convenience, Mt. Pisgah has a Cry Room that you may continue to hear and see the worship service while addressing your child's needs.
Sunday School is offered year-round at 8:30 AM. Adult and High School Bible study are offered at the same time.
How Should I Dress?
God's Word is meant for all people, regardless of the clothing they wear. The second chapter of James warn against showing favoritism to those of rich clothing over those of poor attire. That said, God's Word also warns against immoral or obscene dress. In regard to what to wear to a service at Mt. Pisgah, it is good to remember that this is the house of the Lord. He is our loving Father, who welcomes us as His children, but He is also is our Lord and Maker and therefore deserving of our greatest reverential honor, service, and praise. Dress in a manner that shows Him respect.