Ushers and Greeters are the smiling face of Christian hospitality. Following the tradition of the monastic Porter, who was designated for being the initial point of interaction with the public, the ushers and greeters joyfully assist worshipers as they prepare to worship.
Greeters at Mt. Pisgah Lutheran Church welcome members and visitors, hold doors as worshipers arrive at the church, and provide assistance to those who may need a helping hand in entering or exiting their vehicles at our drop-off location. They also help to direct visitors to the ushers or other congregation members who can give them further assistance.
Ushers, in addition to handing out bulletins for the day's service, serve the church by keeping our worship orderly. They monitor the needs of the worshipers before, during, and after the service by:
If you would like more information about serving as a Greeter or an Usher, please speak to one of our Elders at a Sunday service or contact the church office. (828) 692-7027 or Email